I remember talking to my husband, Josh, as newlyweds about my dreams and what we wanted to accomplish as a family. One of those dreams was to do what l love the most. I talked about this dream here and there, but it seemed like it was never going to happen.

 During my pregnancy, I told him, “This is really not a good idea. At least not now!” 

I got discouraged, I compared myself with other people, and thought to myself, 

“I will never be good enough to live my dream full time.” So, I saw myself doing the safe thing, teaching, for the rest of my career. I mean, it just made sense. Right?

However, 2019 was the year. Josh and I had made the decision. This was the year I was just gonna do it no matter what. I resigned from my teaching position, and I was SO excited. But then RONA happened. This time, I was so sure doing what I love the most would not be a reality. I questioned myself. Maybe this is not what God wanted for me. Luckily, my position was not taken, so I went back to what I knew best, TEACHING.

For a few months, I didn’t even touch my camera. But in the middle of the chaos, I remember a client reaching out to me asking for a maternity shoot. I was so surprised, but I went for it. The crazy thing is, during the pandemic, I made double the amount of what I had made the years prior! I started to get overwhelmed with my full time teaching job and managing my business, which was becoming a full time job. 

So the question came up again, “Should I quit my teaching job and dedicate myself fully to my business?”

Josh really wanted to see me happy and flourish, but he was understandably scared and had so many questions. I prayed to God and told him, “You have given me peace about doing this. If this is really where you want me to walk, give Josh the same peace.” 

During a church service, God spoke to us so clearly that we were so overwhelmed by God’s clear direction to say YES!

We took a huge leap of faith, and God has been more than good to us. We keep trusting him and his promises over our lives. 

I encourage you to write down your dreams. Pray about them. The more you talk about those crazy ideas, the more real they will become. Surround yourself with a community of people that will help you thrive.